The healing properties of dry carbon dioxide baths were known already in the 18th century. Then famous resorts opened in Germany, Poland, Italy, Russia (in the city of Kislovodsk), the calling card of which was the volcanic gases coming out of the ground. 

Why do we need carbon dioxide in the body?

The main task of carbon dioxide – normalization of oxygen transport in the body. Oxygen enters with the air through the bronchi into the lungs, from there into the blood, and then into the tissues. Carbon dioxide goes through this chain in the opposite direction: it is formed in tissues, enters the blood and from there is released into the environment through the respiratory tract. In a healthy person, these two processes are in a state of balance.
In the body, hemoglobin works “by barter”: it gives oxygen to tissues only if it receives carbon dioxide in exchange. If there is not enough carbon dioxide, then oxygen does not reach the tissues in sufficient quantities. Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of tissues and internal organs occurs. Paradox: with a lack of carbon dioxide, the body suffers from a lack of oxygen. Spasms occur, leading to the development of hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other diseases. Carbon dioxide baths naturally restore normal carbon dioxide levels in arterial blood. Capillaries expand, improving blood circulation in all organs, and blood pressure normalizes.

Dry carbon dioxide bath – This is a special chamber in which the patient sits. The entire body is treated with humidified, heated carbon dioxide of the required concentration. The bath can be taken even after a heart attack, in the early stages of rehabilitation. This is one of the best non-drug treatment and prevention methods for older people, for whom other medical procedures are often contraindicated. We achieve amazing effects in the treatment of skin problems: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. Men can also experience the healing power of the bath. Carbon dioxide bath – the first solution to men's problems.

The effectiveness of complex therapy (in percentage), including treatment with dry carbon dioxide baths:

  • Hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, coronary heart disease, varicose veins 91.4%
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis, encephalopathy 86.3%
  • Bronchial asthma, bronchitis 79.3%
  • Psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema 93.1%
  • Obesity, diabetes, menopause 82.7%
  • Impotence, prostatitis 78.7%
  • Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis 80.8%

Treatment results

According to reviews from our fellow doctors from other regions of Russia, more than 97% of patients experience a significant improvement in their well-being after a course of baths. If a person comes with cardiovascular dystonia, then after the second or third bath he may feel that the pressure has stabilized. The time frame in each specific case is individual. But, as a rule, patients feel the effect of treatment already in the first week of the course.

It turns out that we need carbon dioxide, just like oxygen. And now you have the opportunity to visit a European resort and experience the healing effect of carbon dioxide.