Ozone therapy (intravenous) - treatment of the body using ozone molecules (O3). In medicine, ozone is valued for its high oxidizing properties - so it can fight bacteria, treat affected tissues and speed up the metabolism in the body, mobilizing its forces to fight the disease.

  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Kills bacteria, fungi, viruses
  • Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects
  • Combats blood clots, reduces blood viscosity and improves microcirculation
  • Normalizes the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood
  • Solves many cosmetic problems
  • Gives a new charge of vigor
  • Easy to carry

The main task of the method – improving blood flow in small vessels (capillaries), as well as supplying cells with oxygen. The introduction of ozone is a universal method for a comprehensive solution to issues of cosmetology and general rehabilitation.

The procedure successfully copes with cellulite, acne, scars and stretch marks, is used in hair treatment, stops inflammatory processes, and activates metabolism. Indicated for disorders of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, frequent allergic reactions, chronic fatigue syndrome. Used for general restoration of the body, removing toxic substances and increasing immunity.