About sanatorium

The sanatorium AZIMUT Health Yantar was built in Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, on the shores of the Baltic Sea. This is a sea climatic resort. At any time of the year in the sanatorium "Yantar" vacationers will learn from their own experience what climatotherapy means: pure ionized air, high ultraviolet radiation, sea bathing.

What's nearby

  • water and mud baths with a tower
    the building of the Hunting Lodge and the Organ Hall
    the city Larch Park
  • Khrabrovo airport
    the center of Svetlogorsk
    the sea coast
  • Embankment of Svetlogorsk
    Lake Tikhoye
    Model of medieval Koenigsberg
Phone number
+7 (40153) 2 16 08 Reception and accommodation Service (receptionist)
+7 (40153) 2 16 09 Medical Registrar
+7 (40153) 2 26 59 Booking department

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