Massage has a variety of physiological effects on the body. Subjective sensations during and after a massage, with the correct choice of massage techniques, methods of their application and dosage, are expressed in the appearance of a feeling of pleasant warmth throughout the body, improved well-being and increased overall tone.

At AZIMUT Health Yantar the following types of massage are used:

  • classic manual
  • mechanical
  • hydromassage (underwater shower-massage)

Massage has a variety of physiological effects on the skin:

  • it is cleared of the sloughed horny scales of the epidermis, and with them of foreign particles (dust, etc.) trapped in the pores of the skin, and microbes usually found on the surface of the skin;
  • the secretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands is improved and their outlets are cleared of secretions;
  • The lymph and blood circulation of the skin is activated, the influence of venous stagnation is eliminated, the blood supply to the skin is increased and, consequently, its nutrition is improved, as a result of which pale, flabby, dry skin becomes pink, elastic, velvety, and its resistance to mechanical and temperature increases significantly influences;
  • muscle skin tone increases, which makes the skin smooth, dense and elastic;
  • local and general metabolism improves, since the skin takes part in all metabolic processes in the body.

The effect of massage on the subcutaneous fat layer

Massage affects adipose tissue indirectly, through a general effect on metabolism. By increasing metabolic processes in the body, increasing the release of fat from fat depots, massage promotes “burning” of fat. fats found in excess amounts in adipose tissue.

The effect of massage on muscles and joints

Under the influence of massage, the elasticity of muscle fibers and their contractile function increase, muscle atrophy slows down, and already developed hypotrophy decreases. Massage helps improve muscle performance, while accelerating recovery after intense physical activity.

Massage has a significant effect on joints. Under the influence of massage, the blood supply to the joint and periarticular tissues improves, the bursal-ligamentous apparatus of the joint is strengthened, and the resorption of joint effusion, as well as pathological deposits in the periarticular tissues, is accelerated.

The effect of massage on the nervous system

The nervous system is the first to perceive the effect of massage, because... the skin contains a huge number of nerve endings.

Massage has a profound effect on the peripheral nervous system, weakening or stopping pain, improving nerve conductivity, accelerating the regeneration process when damaged, preventing or reducing vasomotor sensory and trophic disorders.

The effect of massage on the circulatory and lymphatic system.

Massage causes expansion of functioning capillaries, opening of reserve capillaries, which creates more abundant irrigation of blood not only to the massaged area, but also reflexively to internal organs, resulting in increased gas exchange between blood and tissue (oxygen therapy). The opening of reserve capillaries under the influence of massage helps to improve the redistribution of blood in the body, which facilitates the work of the heart.

Massage has a great influence on lymph circulation. Under the influence of massage movements - stroking in a centripetal direction - the skin lymphatic vessels are easily emptied, and the lymph flow accelerates.

The effect of massage on metabolism

Massage has a variety of effects on metabolic processes. By enhancing metabolism, massage helps reduce fat deposits.