Physiotherapy - a set of treatment methods using physical factors. Physiotherapy includes several sections: climate therapy, hydrotherapy, thalassotherapy, mud therapy, electrotherapy, magnetic therapy, light therapy, laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, pressotherapy and others. The technique is an important part in the treatment and prevention of a huge number of diseases.

Physiotherapy can be a primary or secondary method of treatment. In some cases, it replaces drug therapy, surgery, therapeutic exercises, dietary nutrition, and massage. The widespread use of physical therapy has somewhat decreased due to progress in pharmacology and the release of a large number of modern drugs.

There are a number of diseases for which physiotherapy is often the only method of treatment. This disease is considered to be chronic pelvic pain, which occurs as a result of the adhesive process. After a series of surgical interventions, physiotherapeutic treatment has a beneficial effect not only on the postoperative period, but also reduces the risk of adhesions.

Physiotherapy is especially important for women suffering from infertility. After surgical manipulations, physiotherapy has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the damaged uterus or other organs. The procedures must be scheduled immediately after surgical treatment.

The result of physiotherapeutic treatment is a reduction in rehabilitation time, prevention of complications and relapses, disappearance of side effects characteristic of drug therapy, reduction of drug load or the ability to avoid it altogether.