Physiotherapy today is one of the most popular and popular types of treatment. Light and air, water and heat, electric current, magnetic field, laser, ultraviolet, infrared and other types of radiation become faithful helpers in the fight against illnesses.
AZIMUT Health Solar provides the following hardware procedures:
- medicinal electrophoresis
- amplipulse therapy
- galvanization
- electrosleep
- UHF therapy
- darsonvalization
- MIL therapy (laser therapy)
- magnetic therapy
- light therapy "Bioptron"
- ultrasound therapy
- SUP (throat and nose)
Darsonval – a high-frequency therapy device operating using pulsed alternating current. Weak electrical discharges irritate nerve fibers, activating the circulation of biological fluids at the tissue level – lymph, blood and other liquids move faster.
Darsonvalization is prescribed for the treatment of:
- neuralgia, radiculitis, neuroses, insomnia, migraine, neurodermatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome)
- musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis)
- skin (acne, diathesis, dermatoses, excessive sebaceous glands, intense hair loss)
- peripheral circulation (varicose veins)
- ENT organs (inflammation of the mucous membranes, sensorineural hearing loss, vasomotor rhinitis, chronic sinusitis)
Medicinal electrophoresis – This is the effect on the body of a direct electric current in combination with the introduction of various medicinal substances through the skin or mucous membranes. In physiotherapy, electrophoresis is the most popular method, as it has many positive effects on the patient’s body:
- reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process;
- has an anti-edematous effect;
- eliminates pain;
- relaxes increased muscle tone;
- produces a calming effect;
- improves microcirculation;
- accelerates the process of tissue regeneration;
- stimulates the production of biologically active substances (for example, vitamins, microelements, hormones);
- activates the body's defenses.
The principle of the method is that drugs enter the body through the intercellular spaces, sebaceous and sweat glands in the form of positive or negative particles (ions).
Amplipulse therapy – one of the methods of physiotherapy, the essence of which is to influence the patient’s body with sinusoidal currents. Sinusoidal modulated currents activate blood circulation and metabolic processes in various organs and tissues, incl. deeply located, have an analgesic effect, and with increasing intensity cause tetanic muscle contraction.
Electrosleep – a method of therapy in which weak current discharges are applied to the patient's brain. As a result, a person develops a state close to normal sleep. However, unlike physiological rest, electrosleep also has an analgesic effect. The procedure is used to treat various diseases of a neurogenic nature.
After the course of electrosleep, the following result is noticeable::
- physical and mental performance increases;
- symptoms of neurological diseases are weakened;
- pain syndromes are reduced;
- blood circulation processes and blood pressure levels are normalized;
- metabolism improves;
- the body’s reserve capabilities are enhanced;
- functions of endocrine organs improve.
Bioptron – a lamp that emits polarized light and is used in physiotherapy and reflexology.
The essence of the device’s effect is that the light beam is polarized, creating a stream of photons with the same direction. The use of Bioptron for light therapy produces three proven effects:
- restoration of plasma proteins and blood cells in the lymphatic and capillary network;
- normalization of the functions of the mucous membranes and superficial layers of the skin;
- activation of acupuncture and biological points of the body.
Indications for use of Bioptron allow it to be used in cosmetology to combat wrinkles, sagging skin rash, intense hair loss and alopecia. The effectiveness of the device in eliminating cellulite, stretch marks and stretch marks, especially in the early stages of development, has been proven.
The physiotherapeutic procedures you need are prescribed by the attending physician of the sanatorium.
+7 (86141) 6-51-88 – medical center.
Not only guests of the sanatorium, but also guests of the Kabardinka resort can use the services of the AZIMUT Health Solnechny medical center.